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Conference Program

Pre-Conference Activities:

A number of activities will be held on April, 17th 2017 in various Departments, Colleges and Faculties of UOZ including:

  1. Workshops in Biology, Computer Sciences, Mathematics …etc.
  2. Scientific Exhibitions in various Science Departments including the invention made by Dept. of Physics.
  3. A workshop on Printing Houses.
  4. Wrestling and Taekwondo shows.
  5. Book Reading Event ( What Comes with the Dust: Goes with the Wind ) by Dr Gharbi Mustafa.
  6. Act Performance of ( The Death of Saleman ) by Eng. College Student supervised by Mrs Jiman.
  7. “Kurdistan Folklores Camp” will include various social activities related to Kurdish culture, will be held at the UOZ Gardens.

For More Details Please Click The Following Link: PROGRAM OF SISC – UOZ, 2017.