Zakho, an ancient town known to Greeks, and due to its strategic location as a boarder town, is of vital importance as a trading center attracted by many investors and industries. Zakho is not only serving Kurdistan Region, but also serving other parts of Iraq as well the neighboring countries in the region. Furthermore, the presence of a University in the region, participates actively in the development of various aspects of the life, civilization and culture of that area. In spite of the fact that University of Zakho is a new one and it is only 5 years old, but due to its high teaching standards, ambitious undergraduate and postgraduate programs, advanced research and strategic centers provided with updated modern teaching and research facilities it will haf its impacts on various activities in the region. Thus, the presence of convenient scientific environment along the above teaching and research facilities for sure enabled the teaching staffs and researches to tackle research problems related to the life, environment, industries, cultures, civilizations … etc which ultimately will serve the people of Zakho and other region of Kurdistan.
In the light of the above views, and to shed light on the impact of the University of Zakho in past, present and future on Zakho and how to design a road map that enable the University to provide an upmost services to the people of Zakho, the University of Zakho is glad to announce the helding of its “Second International Scientific Conference entitled: “Zakho: Life, Civilization and Culture” at the Campus of UoZ.
The organizing committee welcomes the contributions of interested scientists and researchers in submitting research papers and studies preferably related to Zakho Governorate in the disciplines of Environmental Sciences, History, Humanities, Engineering and Petroleum Sciences, Pure and applied Sciences, Arts, Education, Economics and Administration …...etc. The scientific materials will be subjected to peer reviews and critical evaluation. Papers will be presented as invited lectures, oral presentations and posters. In addition, during the conference, there will be several other activities such as panel discussion on hot issues, worships, Exhibitions and some social activities.